Final Fantasy VIII Monster Listing\\

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Final Fantasy VIII Monster Listing



Monster Locations
Name Location
Abyss Worm Desert area near the tip of the continent with Edea's house on it, Desert near D-District Prison
Adamantoise Beach near Dollet
Anacondaur Forests near Timber and Galbadia Garden, Deep Sea Research Center
Armadodo Tomb of the Unknown King
Behemoth Outside of Esthar, Lunatic Pandora, Deep Sea Research Center, Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of Ultimecia's Chambers)
Belhelmel Outside of Galbadia Garden, Ultimecia Castle
Bite Bug Outside of Balamb, Forests near Trabia Garden
Blitz Plains on the far tip of the continent with Edea's house
Blobra Tomb of the Unknown King
Blood Soul Outside of Galbadia Garden
Blue Dragon Forests near Trabia Garden, Ultimecia Castle (Chapel Area)
Bomb Fire Cavern, Deep Sea Research Center
Buel Fire Cavern, Tomb of the Unknown King, Centra Ruins
Cactaur Cactaur Island, Desert area near the tip of the continent with Edea's house on it
Caterchipiller Forests outside of Balamb
Chimera Desear area near the tip of the continent with Edea's house on it, Desert area near the D-District Prison
Cockatrice Forests outside of Timber
Creeps Deling City Sewers, Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)
Death Claw Galbadia Garden, Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)
Elastoid Excavation Site with Laguna, Lunatic Pandora with Laguna
Elnoyle Esthar, Ultimecia Castle (Chapel Area)
Fastitocalon Desert area near D-District Prison, Beach area near the Centra Ruins
Fastitocalon-F Found at most beachs on the world map
Forbidden Tomb of the Unknown King, Centra Ruins
Funguar Outside of Timber, Forests outside of Timber
Gayla Outside of Trabia Garden
Geezard Outside of Dollet
Gesper Excavation Site with Laguna, Lunatic Pandora Lab with Laguna
GIM47N D-District Prison
GIM52A D-District Prison
Glacial Eye Outside of Balamb
Granaldo Ultimecia Castle (Fountain Area)
Grand Mantis Deling City Sewers, Plains near the tip of the continent with Edea's house on it
Grat Balamb Garden Training Center, Ultimecia Castle
Grendel Forests outside of Timber, Deep Sea Research Center
Hexadragon Forest outside of Chocobo Sanctuary, Island Closest to Hell, Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)
Imp Areas in and around Esthar City
Iron Giant Areas in and around Esthar City, Lunatic Pandora
Jelleye Outside of the Centra Ruins
Lefty Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill
Malboro Forests outside of Chocobo Sanctuary, Outside of Esthar (Until Lunar Cry)
Mesmerize Outside of Trabia Garden and Shumi Village
Ochu Forests outside of Timber
Oilboyle Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of Ultimecia's Chambers)
Raldo Ultimecia Castle (Fountain Area)
Red Bat Fire Cavern, Deling City Sewers
Righty Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill
Ruby Dragon Island Closest to Hell
SAM08G Galbadia Missile Base, Fisherman's Horizon during Galbadia's attack
Slapper Galbadia Garden Hockey Rink
Snow Lion Forests outside of Trabia Garden
Thrustaevis Outside of Deling City
Tonberry Centra Ruins, Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of Ultimecia's Chambers)
Torama Outside of Esthar, Ultimecia Castle
T-Rexaur Balamb Garden Training Center, Forests outside of Balamb
Tri-Face Deep Sea Research Center
Turtapod Areas in and around Esthar City
Vysage Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill
Wendigo Outside of Deling City, Forests outside of Timber


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